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segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

Viram a Jesus, andando sobre a MAR - João 6 - a MAR na Bíblia 3

Sabendo, pois, Jesus que haviam de vir arrebatá-lo, para o fazerem rei, tornou a retirar-se, ele só, para o monte.
E, quando veio a tarde, os seus discípulos desceram para a MAR.
E, entrando no barco, atravessaram o mar em direção a Cafarnaum; e era já escuro, e ainda Jesus não tinha chegado ao pé deles.
E a MAR se levantou, porque um grande vento assoprava.
E, tendo navegado uns vinte e cinco ou trinta estádios, viram a Jesus, andando sobre a MAR e aproximando-se do

Ocean Exploration Timeline 9 - 1405 - Chinese Exploration


Chinese Exploration 

The Chinese send out seven voyages consisting of over 300 ships and a combined crew of nearly 37,000. These voyages are designed to extend Chinese influence and impress their neighboring states. Economic pressures back home put an end to these expensive voyages after only a short time. LINK

domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

Tubarões esfomeados - Diário da Vendée Globe 2008/09 - post 14

 Vou apresentar-lhes, amigos leitores, os tubarões da atual Vendée Globe.

Michel Desjoyeaux

tubarão n° 1 - Michel "Foncia" Desjoyeaux, velejador francês eclético por natureza, discípulo direto do grande Éric Tabarly e vencedor da Vendée Globe 2000/2001, quando foi o único barbado a não sucumbir à precoce e agressiva arte de velejar da pequenina e cascuda Ellen McArthur.
Além da terceira edição da Vendée Globe, "o professor", como é conhecido no mundo da

Circunavegar again as 20 ilhas selvagens da paradisíaca Costa do Sol - Quintilhas da Estrela 51

foto: Benno Grapentin do veleiro "Sakumé"

Boa noite amigas e amigos velejadores de Cabo Frio.
Não sei se vocês já perceberam, mas eu e meu colaborador Serjão, "o canoeiro da tempestade", estamos restaurando e pintando a "Estrela d'Alva" de novo.
Pra quê?
Para deixá-la pronta para uma nova série de aventuras.
Acreditem se quiserem, circunavegar again as 20 ilhas selvagens da paradisíaca Costa do Sol.
Não, não estou lhes dizendo que vou conseguir.
E sim que vou tentar.
Todos sabem que entre intenção e gesto rola um abismo, não sabem?
Meus detratores já começaram a intrigar a respeito.
Quais ?
Aqueles mesmos que

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

I confess to you, dear readers, that I tried to watch this movie here three times without success ...  I always change my mind after the first five minutes of torture ... The fault is definitely Bill Murray... Anyone out there like honestly this thing? LoL

Fernando Costa

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is an American comedy-drama film directed, written, and co-produced by Wes Anderson. It is Anderson's fourth feature length film, released in the U.S. on December 25, 2004. It was written by Anderson and Noah Baumbach and was filmed in and around Naples, Ponza, and the Italian Riviera.
The film stars Bill Murray as Steve Zissou, an eccentric oceanographer who sets out to exact revenge on the "Jaguar shark" that ate his partner Esteban. Zissou is both a parody of and homage to Jacques-Yves Cousteau, to whom the film is dedicated.
Cate Blanchett, Willem Dafoe, Michael Gambon, Jeff Goldblum, Anjelica Huston and Owen Wilson also are... LINK.

Ocean Exploration Timeline 8 - 900 A. D. - Viking Expeditions Begin

900 A.D.

Viking Expeditions Begin

The Vikings begin to explore and colonize Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland. They are among the first to use the North Star to determine their latitude. LINK

Prince of Egypt - Crossing the Red Sea - the sea in the movies

The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 American animated musical film and the first traditionally animated film produced and released by DreamWorks Animation. The film is an adaptation of the Book of Exodus and follows the life of Moses from being a prince of Egypt to his ultimate destiny to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. The film was directed by Brenda Chapman, Simon Wells and Steve Hickner. The film featured songs written by Stephen Schwartz and a score composed by Hans Zimmer. The voice cast featured a number of major Hollywood actors in the

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

The Living Planet Aquarium

Exhibits at The Living Planet Aquarium

1250 animals and 267 species are on display in our three main exhibits: Discover Utah, Ocean Explorer, and Journey to South America! There is always lots to see and do as you make your way through The Living Planet Aquarium. Click on an area of the map below to learn about some of the fascinating animals that you can see at

OM 14 - dupla de sushi - "...para realizar o impossível!"

Ode Marítima de Álvaro de Campos

Fernando Pessoa          link-da-imagem

The Piri Reis's map

Good morning dear reader. Have you heard of the Piri Reis's map? No? So read. Read faster that a really sailor, can not, under any circumstances, ignore such an important document.

Fernando Costa

Most theories about ancient unknown civilizations are based on absolutely no physical evidence, usually just hearsay and speculation. What really would shake the basis of our knowledge of history would be an actual artifact. This probably wouldn't be something spectacular like finding a sunken city in the

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

The miraculous victory of the Greek triremes at Salamis

The miraculous victory of the outnumbered Greek triremes over the Persian navy at Salamis is immortalized on this full color, pure silver proof!

Talisman Coins and the Perth Mint are extremely pleased to present the new Famous Naval Battles Series. Following on the heels of the tremendously well received Famous Battles of History program, the Famous Sea Battles series offers pure silver dollars commemorating five important naval conflicts that have shaped the course of


Bonjour ou bonsoir amie lectrice !
Est-ce que vous aussi, vous aimez "Le Prophète" de Gibran Khalil Gibran ?
Oh, oui ? 
Ça me rend heureux. 
Nous en sommes donc deux à l'aimer. 
Pour nous faire plaisir je publie ici quelques extraits du livre, que citent la divine MER. Amusez vous bien, en les

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a 2011 adventure fantasy film and the fourth installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Gore Verbinski, who had directed the three previous films, was replaced by Rob Marshall, while Jerry Bruckheimer again served as producer.
In the film, which draws inspiration from the novel On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is joined by Angelica (Penélope Cruz) in his search for the Fountain of Youth, confronting the infamous pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane). The film was distributed by

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

"The Seafarers" is Stanley Kubrick's third film

Members of the American Federation of Labor, the Atlantic & Gulf Coast District of the Seafarers International Union commissioned budding filmmaker and magazine photographer Stanley Kubrick to direct this half-hour documentary. Originally released in October of 1953, this short was the director's first film in color. More of an industrial film than a documentary, it basically served as a promotional tool to get sailors to join the

Ocean Exploration Timeline 7 - 150 B. C. - Ptolemy's Map

150 B.C.

Ptolemy's Map 

The Greek astronomer and geographer Ptolemy produces a map of the ancient world that includes the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa as well as the surrounding oceans. This early map is one of the first known to include lines of latitude and longitude. Unfortunately this map would be lost to history but would be rediscovered in the years to come. LINK

"Aquarela" de Toquinho e Vinícius - canções que citam barcos ou navios

"Pinto um barco a vela
Brando navegando
É tanto céu e mar
Num beijo azul..."

Toquinho - Vinicius de Moraes - M. Fabrizio - G. Morra

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

Partindo Jesus dali, chegou ao pé da MAR da Galiléia... - Mateus 15 - a MAR na Bíblia 11

Mateus 15

E, partindo Jesus dali, foi para as partes de Tiro e de Sidom.
E eis que uma mulher cananéia, que saíra daquelas cercanias, clamou, dizendo: Senhor, Filho de Davi, tem misericórdia de mim, que minha filha está miseravelmente endemoninhada.
Mas ele não lhe respondeu palavra. E os seus discípulos, chegando ao pé dele, rogaram-lhe, dizendo: Despede-a, que vem gritando atrás de

Henodus - Sea Monsters 10

Henodus was a three-foot-long (one-meter-long) marine reptile called a placodont that crushed bottom-dwelling shellfish with two upper teeth at the back of its beaklike snout. The snout was squared off just in front of the eyes, making the head unusually boxy. The ancient placodont looked like a flattened turtle, though its protective shell of bony plates was twice as wide as long and relatively flat.
Four paddle-like limbs and a short tail allowed Henodus to skulk along the

OM 13 - dupla de sushi - "...a imensidade imensa..."

Ode Marítima de Álvaro de Campos

Fernando Pessoa          link-da-imagem

BEETHOVEN - nova trilha sonora do blog da Estrela

Bom dia amigas e amigos leitores!

Acabo de mudar a trilha sonora do blog da Estrela. Nosso mais novo maestro será ninguém menos que Ludwig van Beethoven. Preciso dizer mais alguma coisa ?
Pra ouvir é fácil. Basta procurar um Ipod virtual no meio da coluna da direita ou no rodapé deste post. Regozigem-se ouvido algumas das mais belas composições de

segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

Aquagenesis - Richard Ellis - The Origin and Evolution of Life in the Sea

Richard Ellis is one of America's leading marine conservationists, and is generally recognized as the foremost painter of marine natural history subjects in the world. In demand as a painter, installation artist and curator by museums around the world, in 2005, in conjunction with the publication in Italian of his Encyclopedia of the Sea, Richard Ellis was given a one-man show of his

One of the most dangerous fishing methods of all - Human Planet - BBC

One of the most dangerous fishing methods of all. A 100 strong crew in the Philippines dive to 40 metres, breathing air pumped through makeshift tangled tubes by a

Ocean Exploration Timeline 6 - 200 B. C. - Circumference of the Earth

200 B.C.

Circumference of the Earth 

The Greek astronomer Eratosthenes becomes the first person to determine the circumference of the Earth. He uses the angles of shadows and the distance between Alexandria and Syene to arrive at a value of 40,000 km. The actual circumference of the Earth is

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011

Nossos velejadores solitários prediletos, onde andarão?


- Onde será que navegam, neste exato momento nossos velejadores solitários prediletos, amigos leitores ?
- Vamos dar uma olhada ?
Mike Horn circunavegou o Canadá.
Laura Dekker comemorou seus 16 aninhos, largou de Darwin e iniciou a travessia do Índico.
Aleixo Belov concluiu sua quarta volta ao mundo regressando a Salvador-BAHIA, onde
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